We would like to thank all the organizations and individuals whose collaboration contributed to the success of this project, either by providing archive photos or newspaper clippings, or reviewing parts of the text to ensure accuracy.
Despite our best efforts, we were not able to trace some sources, and some requests to obtain permission to reproduce material yielded no results. We would like to apologize to any copyright holders whom we may have omitted and we invite them to contact Power Corporation so that any necessary corrections can be made.
All photographs are a courtesy of Power Corporation of Canada, except the following. Photographs have been reproduced with the permission of the copyright holders.
Hydro-Québec Archives
Intro: Hemmings Falls hydroelectric power development
Revue Commerce
1968-1980: Paul Desmarais with Voyageur buses;
1990-2000: Desmarais’ Sons Assume Leadership
Canada Steamship Lines
1968-1980: Launch of Canada Steamship Lines' ship the Jean Parisien in 1977
McCord Museum

1925-1950: MP-1988.59.59 – Photograph: Unemployed men playing ring toss game, Montreal, QC, about 1935, © McCord Museum

1925-1950: MP-0000.72.8 - Photograph: Victoria Rifles group at "Stores", Lachine Canal, Montreal, QC, 1939, © McCord Museum

1950-1967: View-17250 – Photograph: Interior of power station, Shawinigan Water and Power Co., Shawinigan, QC, 1917, © McCord Museum
Topley Studio / Library and Archives Canada

1925-1950: Reference No.: PA-042992
Library and Archives Canada

1951-1967: Reference No.: Amicus 87144
Investors Group Inc./Robinson Photography
1968-1980: Investors Group offices in Winnipeg
Great-West Life
1990-2000: Great-West Life’s first foray into the United States
United Nations/Teddy Chen
1951-1967: Maurice Strong
Newspaper Clippings
Material republished with the express permission of: “Financial Post”, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.:
1925-1950: “Group of Power companies will be co-ordinated”; 1968-1980: “Power buys more Investors”; 1981-1989: “Power Financial and partner win control of Pargesa Holding”; “BCE offers $875M for Montreal Trustco”; “Power Corp. regroups for new thrusts”; 1990-2000: “Power’s Desmarais takes over at Pargesa”; “Power Financial and partner win control of Pargesa Holding”; “Taking Europe by strategy”;
Material republished with the express permission of: “The Montreal Gazette”, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.:
1968-1980: “Power Corp. acquires Investors Group”; “Great West directors back offer”; “Power Corp. plans takeover”; “Power Corp. to accept all shares as Argus takeover attempt fails”; “Stock exchange take-over bid – The Investors Group”; “Paul Desmarais buys more Power”; “Analysts touts Power Corp.”; 1981-1989: “BCE to buy Montreal Trustco”; 1990-2000: “Powerful Paul leaves golden legacy”; 1990-2000: “Sit tight, Canadians told”; “Crisis – By letting Lehman Brothers, U.S. will recover fast, analyst says”; “The Reckoning”; “Dominoes set to fall”; “Collateral damage north of 49th”; “Bank of America to buy Merrill”; “Confidence crunch hurts big firms”;
Material republished with the express permission of: “The Ottawa Citizen”, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.:
1951-1967: “B.C. Government Acts to Control Electric Power”
Material republished with the express permission of: “The Montreal Star”, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.:
1968-1980: “Imperial Buys Stake in Investors Group”
Material republished with the express permission of: “La Presse”:
1925-1950: “Power Corporation”; 1968-1980: “L’Impériale acquiert un bloc d’actions d’Investors”; “Le Montreal Trust voit un avantage dans l’acquisition de la société Investors Trust”; “Power Corp. a accru ses parts dans Investors”; “Offre surprise de Power en vue d’acquérir Argus”; “Power tient 49.8% des actions d’Argus”; “Paul Desmarais augmente à 63 p.c. ses intérêts dans Power”; 1981-1989: “Montréal Trust: gain de $ 250 millions pour Power”; “La Financière Power accroît sa participation dans Pargesa”; “Power : le géant se réveille”; “Power gagne $44 millions dans une transaction de $680 millions”; “La vente de Consol à Stone”; 1990-2000: “Percée américaine – Great-West, filiale de Power achète les fonds Putnam”; “11 milliards d’acquisitions en 10 ans”; “Une recherche qui a duré trois ans”; “Une bonne transaction… si tout va bien”; “Débâcle à Wall Street, la planète écope”; “La crise à son paroxysme à New York”; “Des jobs qui partent en fumée”; “Les Bourses plongent”; “Greenspan – Une crise historique”; “P.K. Subban – Personnalité de l’année 2015”; “Great-West devient le leader de l’assurance-vie en Irlande”;
Material republished with the express permission of: “Le Devoir”:
1951-1967: “La nationalisation : $604 millions – L’Hydro Québec doit débourser comptant $303 millions”; 1981-1989: “L’expansion vigoureuse des services financiers devrait se poursuivre en 1986”; 1990-2000: “Paul Desmarais prend la tête de Pargesa”;
Material republished with the express permission of: “Winnipeg Free Press”:
2000-present: “Great-West buys Putnam”; “Mega-purchase for Great-West”;
Material republished with the express permission of: “Le Droit”:
1981-1989: “Restructuration de Power Corp.” (Le Droit, édition du 12 avril 1984)
Reproduced with permission – Torstar Syndication Services:
1981-1989: “BCE buying Montreal Trustco in deal worth up to $875 million”; “Trust firm expected to benefit the most from BCE buyout”;
Disclaimer: Despite our best efforts, we were not able to trace some sources, and some requests to obtain permission to reproduce material yielded no results. We would like to apologize to any copyright holders whom we may have omitted and we invite them to contact Power Corporation so that any necessary corrections can be made.